Dispenser "Tayfun"

Dispenser "Tayfun"

Series DS


Especially designed for spreading straw, shrubs, rice husks and raspberries of suitable size, underlying materials for poultry, pig farms, dairy farms, etc.

Uniform spread of straw on the floor of the premises in order to ensure optimum working conditions for the breeding of birds and animals.


Operating components:

  • 2 internal spirals driven by hydro motors;
  • 2 work drifting fins driven by a hydro motor, by means of belt drives.
    Securing: Robust steel construction of the hopper and the use of elements and materials with high performance.
Dispenser "Tayfun", DS

Technical data

Technical characteristic DS 270
Power driving machine type Tractor or front loader
Working length m 1,53
Working width m 2,4
Working height m 1,62
Work bodies - Work spiral of the internal auger pcs 2
Work bodies - Operational spreading fans Stk. 2
Hydro motor for the augers spirals Stk. 2
Hydro motor for the fans Stk. 1
Volume of the bunker m3 2,7
Spreading radius m 12
Time for covering 2500 m2 min 15 -20
Power system linkage mm Depending on the use of the specific work machine
Machine weight t 0,85

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